The planning guidance on this page provides information about how planning applications will be assessed, and how our planning policies will be used.
Always check if you need to apply for planning permission before starting any work.
Once you know that planning permission is required, we can provide advice on whether a development is likely to be approved or not before submitting an application.
Removal of Permitted Development Rights
Permitted development rights may have been removed from certain sites or properties. There are a number of reasons that general permitted development rights won't apply such as conditions attached to previous permission. You should check the conditions on any existing planning permission for the site.
Conservation Areas
Fife has 48 conservation areas. More than 7 percent of the total in Scotland which are considered to have special architectural or historical interest. You need planning permission for any external alterations or extensions to houses in these Conservation Areas.
Listed Buildings
Fife has over 6,200 Listed Buildings, which is close to 10% of Scotland’s total number of entries on the statutory list which have been listed because they are considered to have special historical or architectural interest. You must have Listed Building Consent (and maybe planning permission too) before altering, extending or demolishing any part of a Listed Building inside or out.
Archaeological Zones
Fife possesses a rich variety of archaeological remains, which are a physical record of thousands of years of human development and activity. These archaeological remains are a fragile and non-renewable resource that our Council is committed to preserving and enhancing.
Tree Preservation Orders
Many individual trees, groups of trees or woodlands across the region are protected by Tree Preservation Orders if their removal would have a significant impact on an area. Permission is required for the felling or limbing of any protected trees.
Flooding Zones
Across the region there are many areas that are at risk of flooding or regularly suffer problems with flooding. We are required to take account of the probability of flooding and the risks involved when determining planning applications.
- Check Scottish Environment Protection Agency flood maps
- View the updated maps here
- New land use planning guidance
- Terms and Conditions
- Design criteria guidance on flooding PDF, 765.81 KB
Air Quality
Contaminated Land
Publications and guides
We have provided a range of publications that have been designed to answer some of your planning queries. Further information relating to planning policy is detailed within the FIFEplan.
- Change of Use and Use Classes
- Commencement of Development DOC, 42.5 KB
- Commenting on an Application PDF, 195.03 KB
- Completion of Development Guidance Note PDF, 189.19 KB
- Fees for Retrospective Planning Applications
- Fife Planning Review Body
- Hazardous Substance Consent Guidance PDF, 132.11 KB
- Hazardous Substances Consent (Continuation Form) DOCX, 40.86 KB
- Hazardous Substances Consent (Variation Form) DOCX, 40.63 KB
- Hazardous Substances Consent Form DOCX, 44.06 KB
- High Hedge Guidance
- Land Ownership Certificate - Listed Buildings PDF, 850.13 KB
- Modification or Discharge of Planning Obligations PDF, 164.35 KB
- Neighbour Notification and Publicity PDF, 157.86 KB
- Non-Material Variation PDF, 149.31 KB
- Notification for Completion of Development DOC, 40 KB
- PAN - Proposal of Application Notice PDF, 190.79 KB
- Pre Application Service PDF, 128.04 KB
- Pre-Determination Hearings PDF, 157.08 KB
- Processing Agreement Form - Post Submission DOC, 79.5 KB
- Processing Agreement Form Pre Submission DOC, 95.5 KB
- Processing Agreements PDF, 294.73 KB
- Property History Search PDF, 113.89 KB
- Submitting Additional Information Online PDF, 279.6 KB
- Submitting Electronic Documents PDF, 124.02 KB
- Submitting Plans PDF, 130.08 KB
- Validation Checklist PDF, 157.9 KB
- Wind Turbine Validation Checklist PDF, 178.12 KB
- Windows in Conservation Areas information
If you cannot find the form you require on this page please visit the Scottish Government website.
Back To TopThe following Supplementary Guidance has been adopted as statutory supplementary guidance and forms part of the development plan for Fife:
Making Fife’s Places
Making Fife’s Places Supplementary Guidance sets out Fife Council’s expectations for the design of development in Fife. It was adopted by Fife Council on 16th August 2018.
- Download Making Fife's Places Supplementary Guidance
- Download Making Fife's Places Supplementary Guidance: Appendices A-F
- Download Making Fife's Places Supplementary Guidance: Appendix G
- Download Making Fife's Places Supplementary Guidance: Appendix H
- Download Making Fife's Places Supplementary Guidance: Appendix I
Affordable Housing
Good affordable housing is a priority for Fife Council. Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing sets out requirements for obligations towards affordable housing provision from housing development in Fife. It was adopted on 11 October 2018.
Minerals Supplementary Planning Guidance provides a context for assessing all types of minerals related applications. It was adopted on 11 October 2018.
Low Carbon Fife
Low Carbon Fife Supplementary Planning Guidance provides guidance on:
- assessing low carbon energy applications
- demonstrating compliance with CO2 emissions reduction targets and district heating requirements;
- requirements for air quality assessments.
It was adopted on 21st January 2019.
- Download Low Carbon Supplementary Guidance
- Download Low Carbon Supplementary Guidance Appendices
- Download IF Report part 1
- Download IF Report part 2
- Download IF Report part 3 - Appendices [BE1]
Related publications:
Back To TopThe following planning policy guidance has been approved by Fife Council but does not form part of the development plan for Fife:
Planning Obligations
Planning Obligations guidance seeks to ensure that new development addresses any impacts it creates on roads, schools and community facilities. It assists the development industry to better understand the costs and requirements that will be sought by Fife Council and provides certainty to communities and public bodies that new development will have no negative impact.
Houses in Multiple Occupation
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Multiple Occupation (HMOs) was adopted in June 2011. It applies to the Central St Andrews Conservation Area. This guidance is being reviewed, and once adopted will form part of the Development Plan for Fife.
- Houses in Multiple Occupation Planning Permission and Certificates of Lawfulness
- HMOs Supplementary Planning Guidance 2011
Policy for Development and Noise
Policy for Development and Noise looks at both noisy and noise sensitive land. Noise sensitive developments may need to incorporate mitigation measures through design, layout, construction or physical noise barriers to achieve acceptable acoustic conditions.
Lochgelly Planning & Transportation Guidance
The Lochgelly Supplementary Planning and Transport Guidance provides guidance on urban design and sustainable development for an area in and around Lochgelly. It was adopted in September 2011.
- Download Lochgelly Supplementary Planning and Transport Guidance - 1
- Download Lochgelly Supplementary Planning and Transport Guidance - 2
- Download Lochgelly Supplementary Planning and Transport Guidance appendices
St Andrews Design Guidelines
The St Andrews Design Guidelines provide design principles for buildings, streets and shop fronts in St Andrews Conservation Area and on the main approaches to the town.
Inverkeithing Area Design Guidelines
The Inverkeithing Conservation Area Design Guide provides guidance on repairs, materials, new design, and architectural character for anyone undertaking or determining development in Inverkeithing Conservation Area.
Back To TopThe following publications provide further planning guidance to those making a planning application on a range of topics:
Advertising Signs for Businesses
Affordable Housing
Businesses Selling Food and Drink
Coal Mining Areas and Planning
Daylight and Sunlight
Design and Access Statements
Developing Brownfield Sites
Dormer Extension
Garden Ground
Home Extensions
Industry Office Storage Shopping Warehousing
Minimum Distances between Window Openings
New Hierarchy of Development
Painting Exterior of Listed or Unlisted Buildings in Conservation Areas
Restaurant & Takeaway Odour Extraction
Shop Front Design Guidelines
Trees and Development
Contact the Planning Team
Use the button below to get in touch with the Planning Team about progress updates, planning restrictions, pre-application information requests, Completion of Development Certificate, etc.