Fife has over 6,200 listed buildings, which is close to 10% of Scotland’s total number of entries on the statutory list. To find out if a building in Fife is listed, search the interactive Listed Building map below.
Listed buildings are buildings or other structures of special architectural or historic interest. The list is compiled by Historic Environment Scotland. The criteria for inclusion are age and rarity; architectural or historic interest; or close historic associations. The term “building” is defined broadly in the legislation and can include a great variety of man-made structures such as walls, fountains, milestones, sundials, statues, bridges, bandstands and telephone boxes.
Categories of listing
Buildings are put into one of three listing categories according to their relative importance.
Category A
- Buildings of special architectural or historical interest which are outstanding examples of a particular period, style or building type.
Category B
- Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are major examples of a particular period, style or building type.
Category C
- Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are representative examples of a period, style or building type.
Listing covers both the interior and the exterior of a building regardless of category. The level of detail and description recorded by Historic Environment Scotland is variable and does not give a comprehensive overview of the merit of that building or asset.
Further information on listed buildings - such as how the buildings are chosen and what information is held on listed buildings - is available from Historic Environment Scotland.
Within Fife there are also important gardens and designed landscapes or historic battlefields. The Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes and the Inventory of Historic Battlefields, compiled by Historic Environment Scotland, recognise the need to identify and guide the protection of these sites.
Do you wish to carry out work to a listed building?
Where a building is listed this does not prevent changes being made to it, but consideration must be given to preserving the character of the building. This means you will need a listed building consent from Fife Council if you wish to alter, extend or demolish a listed building.
Listed building consent
You will need listed building consent from Fife Council if you wish to alter (internally or externally), extend or demolish a listed building.
You may also need planning consent and a building warrant. Application forms and guidance notes are available from Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes KY7 5LT, or online. Visit our Apply and pay for planning permission and Apply for a building warrant pages for more information.
You may not need listed building consent if when making small or localised repairs on your building if you use the traditional materials as already exist on that building or in that context (where authentic) and use traditional methods. The work should be carried out by a craftsman with appropriate skills and experience. There is planning and guidance available on repairs and maintenance and alterations under a range of different topics on the website of Historic Environment Scotland. Addition or replacement of material greater in scope than individual elements including slates, re-fixing a loose gutter or localised repair of loose pointing, is likely to be classed as an alteration and require listed building consent.
It's recommended that anyone proposing repairs to a listed building or a traditional building in a conservation area checks with us before starting work. That will ensure you're using the correct methods and materials and avoids carrying out unauthorised work to a listed building, which is an offence.
Contact: You can contact the Planning team using the online Planning Contact Us Form
Making an application
You should supply the following information with your listed building consent application:
- A site plan relating the building to a significant road or landmarks
- Drawings of the building (or area affected) as it exists
- Drawings of what changes are planned at a minimum scale of 1:50 or greater where appropriate, e.g.details of replacement windows and other details
- Informative specifications including, for example, dimensions, finishes or colour samples, which may be supplied in the form of codes or descriptive notes, possibly supplemented with samples
- Recent photographs
Applications for demolition should accurately describe the building’s structural condition, and you may be asked to provide evidence of sale on the open market at a price reflecting its condition and efforts to find a new use.
You should also consider whether or not any proposals in your application are likely to need further alterations to meet building regulations. Some of the following, may not be applicable in a traditional building:
- venting of structural voids
- plumbing and appliances
- additional slate vents
- trickle vents on windows
- additions such as terminals, cowls or grilles
- any of these may have a noticeable adverse effect on the character of a listed building and should be shown on the application drawings
Appointing an agent
If you plan to carry out anything other than minor work to your listed building, we recommended you appoint an agent with sufficient experience in historic buildings. They can advise on the consent process and ensure that the proposed work is appropriate - this might be an architect or building surveyor.
To download the relevant forms and to apply online visit the website.
Information on listed buildings in Fife is held by Historic Scotland and Fife Council. You can check if a building is listed by consulting our online map above on this page, or by contacting us directly.
Back To TopThe protection covers the inside as well as the outside of the building and extends to the curtilage (any ground associated with the building as well as boundary walls or railings). So whether or not the work is visible from outside, you may need listed building consent.
Back To TopYes - It is an offence to carry out works to a listed building without consent. This can include works such as replacement windows and doors, installing an alarm or a satellite antenna or even the painting of any part of the exterior of the building.
Back To TopThe repainting of windows and doors or other external paintwork in the same colour does not need any form of consent. If you want to change the colour, however, this will need listed building consent. If you live in a conservation area it will also need planning permission.
Back To TopStraightforward repairs, where you are using the same materials and methods, will not normally need listed building consent. Minor interior redecorating - where no decorative finishes of significance to the building are affected - will also not require consent.
Back To TopIf in any doubt as to whether consent is needed prior to carrying out works to a listed building it's always advisable to check with us before starting work.
Back To TopAlterations to a listed building for domestic purposes are no longer eligible for retrospective relief from Value Added Tax (VAT) (as of October 2012).
Zero-rating is limited to the first grant of a major interest in a protected building substantially reconstructed from a shell (more information on this can be found in Section 10 of Notice 708).
Back To TopZero-rating applies to all qualifying protected buildings and will affect listed residential dwellings and listed buildings used for charitable and other residential purposes.
For more information see Public Notice 708, Buildings and Construction, Section 10 on the HM Revenue and Customs website at Alternatively contact HMRC direct on 0845 010 9000, or email
Listing does not require an owner to increase the insurance cover for their building. It's for each owner to decide what is appropriate to cover possible risks and protect the value of their asset. Because of the age and character of a listed building, repairs and insurance premiums may be more expensive than repairs to an equivalent modern building.
Back To TopThere is no automatic entitlement to grants if you live in a listed building. It's the owner's responsibility to maintain their property to an adequate standard.
In general, repair grants operate in specific regeneration projects for a limited period only and for repairs which will be of demonstrable public benefit, such as boundary repairs and shop fronts.
Limited grant funding may also be available in specific regeneration projects to assist property owners in preserving the external fabric and traditional appearance of their historic buildings.
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