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  • person putting coin into a jam jar

    Help with the cost of living

    Everyone is feeling the impact of the cost-of-living crisis. We want to make sure you’re aware of the support services available in your community.

  • child and older person at the cinema laughing

    Foster with Fife Council

    Could you look after a child for a weekend or a few days? Give a child a chance to do fun activities. If you have a spare room and time to give you can make a big difference!

Council meetings and decisions


Fife council webcasts its public meetings live. If you miss a meeting live, there is a catchup facility.

Find your local councillor

Find out who your local councillors are and how to contact them.


Fife Council’s committee structure and membership, agendas and minutes

Latest open consultations

A917 Crail - 20mph Experimental Traffic Regulation Order

We seek public views on an experimental 20mph speed limit through Crail. The speed limit is to be in place for 18 months. Public are expected to comment on its operation while the experiment is live. Results will be considered…

Restoring the Back Burn