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Planning applications - View, track and comment online

Fife Council's online planning system allows you to search for information relating to planning applications as far back as 2006.

By using this service you can register to:

  • comment on a planning application
  • create your own personal profile
  • save details of searches you have made
  • track specific applications which you are interested in
  • receive notification of changes to applications that you are tracking

If you wish to comment on an application online you must provide your name and address to ensure your information is used as part of the decision process. Please note your name, address and any comments will be shown on our website.  If you submit a comment which you then wish to retract you must put your request in writing to

PLEASE NOTE:  Comments must be made within the specified timescales (see publication below).

Multiple Applications for a Site/Property

When making a representation where there is more than one application for that property/site, you should consider whether you wish to make a representation to each application, as they are assessed and determined individually.An example of this is when a site/property has a Full Planning Permission (FULL) application as well as Listed Building Consent (LBC) application.

You do not need to receive a Neighbour Notification letter to comment on an application.   Once an application has been decided you will only be able to view the application form, drawings, maps, reports, and decision notice. Letters from consultees, neighbours, and objectors or supporters will be removed.  Please note that the Council reserves the right to remove any defamatory information.   You can also view information relating to specific applications by using the Quick Response (QR) codes that are available on Site Notices across Fife.

Related Publications

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