Report a road or pavement fault
Service Update
We're improving how you report road faults. Soon, you'll be able to:
- Easily report weather-related road problems.
- Find out if we already know about a pothole near where you're reporting one.
- Subscribe to updates on known potholes.
These changes will start in the next few weeks.
Use this form to tell us about a fault or problem you spot on public roads and pavements, for any of the following issues:
- Bus shelters
- Potholes and uneven slabs
- Safety barriers and pedestrian guardrails
- Boundary fences
- Signs and bollards
- Street name plates
- Verges and hedges
- Walls and embankments
For lighting issues, use the report a streetlight fault form.
For grit bin issues, including refilling of grit bins or to request a new one, use the report a grit bin issue form.
For issues with fallen trees, use the report a fallen tree form.
For issues with drains or flooding, use the report a drain or flooding issue form.
You'll need to know
- The fault or problem
- The exact location
There is an option to upload a photo of the fault or problem.
You can choose to sign in to your MyAccount before you report the fault. If you sign in you can see details of the report in your account and we can update you on your report.
You can find out about how we manage the personal information you provide by reading the privacy policy.