Have your say on Fife’s Community Council boundaries

This article is more than 3 years old

Map of Fife

Fife Council wants to find out what you think about the boundaries of your community council.

Community councils are made up of people who care about their community and want to make it a better place to live.

The list of current community councils and boundaries are available at www.fife.gov.uk/communitycouncils

As well as representing the community, community councils organise activities which promote their communities and bring local people together to help make things happen.

As part of this consultation, which runs until Friday 28 February, we’d like to know if you think your community council boundary should they be expanded to include other areas? Or maybe you feel there are opportunities to merge, or even divide, existing community council areas to take account of demographic changes since the original boundaries were put in place? Whatever your thoughts, we want to hear them!

To have your say, you can:

Andrew Ferguson, Committee Services Manager, said: "We want to make sure that we have as many views as possible, from across Fife’s communities, including the areas that don’t currently have active community councils. These views will help Councillors to come to their decisions when the review is completed.”

We’ll publish the outcome of the consultation in the spring. There will be more opportunities to have your say before the final amended boundaries are agreed and published in September.