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Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan for Fife

What is the Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan?

The Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan sets out our vision for active travel in Fife over the next 10 years; from now until 2034. The strategy will include a series of action points on how we can improve active travel in Fife. This will help make the case for investment in active travel.

This strategy follows on from the Local Transport Strategy and its first action point:

  • Develop an Active Travel Strategy and a Fife-wide active travel network, including the SEStran Strategic Network, Active Freeways, Interurban Active Travel Routes, Connected Neighbourhoods 20-minute neighbourhood improvements, Cycle Parking Hubs and wayfinding, to deliver effectively on Scottish Government funding commitments

The strategy will include all aspects of the Local Transport Strategy and its vision of fair, sustainable access for all.