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The Fitzgerald Trust

Dice spelling "Study"

Academic Year 2024/25

Did you go to one of the following secondary schools in Kirkcaldy?

  • Balwearie High School
  • Kirkcaldy High School
  • St Andrews RC High School
  • Viewforth High School

Are you now going onto, or currently at university, college, or studying part time as part of an apprenticeship or trade?

If you are, and your home address is in the former burgh of Kirkcaldy, the Fitzgerald Trust could help.

For more information, please email

The deadline to apply for the 2024/25  academic year is Friday 6 September, 2024.

What is the Fitzgerald Trust?

The Fitzgerald Trust was set up in 1965 by Mr Francis H Fitzgerald with the “Trustee” being the Northern City National Bank of Duluth in the USA.  Fife Council administers the fund and as such there is no requirement to register with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

The original Trust agreement states that it is for the “benefit of scholars residing in Kirkcaldy who are then students in or graduates of the Kirkcaldy High School or St Andrew’s RC High School. Balwearie High School and Viewforth High Schools have also been included as they were not comprehensive schools at the time the Trust was set up.