Kings Road Primary School
- Primary Schools
Kings Road Primary Kings Crescent Rosyth Dunfermline Fife KY11 2RS
Dear Parent
Our School Handbook has been prepared to highlight areas which will be of interest to parents and inform you of the educational aims that we have for your child.
We strongly believe in working in partnership with parents. Our school is well supported by an active Parent Council who support the life of the school. We also have newly-established pupil leadership groups that play an active part in improving our school and ensuring that pupil voice features in all that we do.
All staff strive to do their best for the pupils in our care so that they have the opportunity to achieve their full potential throughout their time here.
Communication is important to us and our Primary School App and school website are used to communicate important information to parents and carers.
The information contained in this presentation refers to the current school year and is accurate at the time of publication.
We hope this information will be helpful to you and will answer many of your questions about the school. Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely,
Lynn Colagiacomo
Related links
- School holidays and term times
- Enrolment
- School curriculum
- School policies
- School meals
- Support for pupils