Levenmouth's Future

This article is more than 2 years old

It’s an exciting time for Levenmouth – more than £100 million is being invested over the next few years. This will transform the prospects for people living and working in the area.

Councillors at Levenmouth Area Committee heard several reports detailing the partnership work bringing these improvements:

  1. Levenmouth Connectivity ProjectActive travel routes have been identified to the proposed railway stations in Leven and Cameron Bridge. The Leven Programme has submitted a funding bid for the next stage of the detailed design works to Sustrans. A decision from Sustrans is expected at the end of November.
    Mobility Hubs are a new concept, they integrate public transport and shared transport (such as bike share and car clubs) at key locations, encouraging more sustainable and active travel.
    SEStran appointed Steer (a mobility consultant) to investigate the feasibility and develop a business case for mobility hubs at Leven and Cameron Bridge rail stations.
    Fife Council is looking to develop a Local Bus Service Action Plan to enhance accessibility to the two new rail stations.
  2. Leven Placemaking Study – Fife Council is commissioning Stantec to undertake the Leven Placemaking Study to inform the design of the Leven Station, meeting the local community’s aspirations.
    The Study will gather the views of the local community and stakeholders to develop options for a ‘transformational gateway arrival experience’ at Leven rail station.
  3. Leven Rail Bridge Replacement – Bawbee Bridge has had an 18 tonnes weight limit since the 1990s. Due to the railway returning, the project has been reviewed and all bridgeworks should now be carried out - avoiding excessive costs once the rail line is electrified.
    The Bridge works will take approximately 12 months to complete and will need the bridge to be closed to traffic with diversion routes in place. Elected members and the community will be consulted on the temporary diversion routes.

Cllr Ken Caldwell welcomed the reports saying: “The bright future we envision for Levenmouth is starting to take shape. These projects have a common theme of connecting the whole area and bringing with these connections, real opportunities for individuals and communities.

“Without doubt, it’s exciting times for Levenmouth.”

Committee papers -  https://bit.ly/3c1HuCT