It’s National Adult Protection Day

This article is more than 3 years old

If you think an adult is being harmed, get it checked out.  It’s right to act on your instinct.

Today we’re raising awareness of how some adults are harmed or abused and to encourage people to act on their gut feeling and say something when they see things that point to that happening to someone they know or come across. Harm and abuse can take many forms; physical, psychological, financial, sexual harm, neglect and self-harm but there are usually signs and clues that indicate something out of the ordinary might be happening.

We all have a responsibility to look out for people in our communities.

The message is simple – if you think an adult is at risk of harm or something feels wrong, you’re right to get it checked out. If you’ve seen something, say something.

For more information, visit  You can also follow on Twitter at #AdultProtection #SeenSomethingSaySomething.

Adult forced to withdraw money from cash machine