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Training (Child Protection)

Welcome to the Learning and Practice Development page.

Fife Council offers seven Multi Agency Child Protection Courses. Details are below. All courses are for the Specific Workforce in relation to Child Protection. For more details on workforce levels please visit Child protection learning and development 2024: national framework - ( and read the section on Core Competencies

Child Protection Committee Multi Agency Training

Prerequisites & Considerations before applying for a Course

By requesting to enrol in any of these courses, you are confirming that you:

  • Are part of the Specific or Intensive Child Protection Workforce within your own organisation (confirm this with your own CP lead if required or email Childminders are included in these groups
  • Have line manager approval (apart from childminders)
  • Are willing to share learning with your team and/or organisation/networks
  • Can attend both days if applying for CPC Multi Agency Child Protection Procedures (Level 2 Specific and Intensive)
  • Your single agency training is fully up to date
  • Course 1 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection Procedures – 2 full days
  • Course 2 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Families Affected by Disability
  • Course 3 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Substance use – Impact on children and families
  • Course 4 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Return Home Welfare Interviews
  • Course 5 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Poor Parental Mental Health
  • Course 6 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection for Social Workers (and others) working with Adults (16+)
  • Course 7 - CPC Multi Agency Child Protection Planning Meetings (CPPM)
  • Course 8 - CPC Multi Agency IRD Participants Practice Development Sessions (Intensive Workforce Only)

Booking reminders:

Target audiences:

  • These courses are not appropriate if your role does not extend past the reporting stage (the training you require is single agency General workforce training)
  • You have a responsibility within your own workforce to support families during and after a Child Protection Investigation
  • The courses are open to a wide range of staff and places are extremely limited. We can only accept one member of staff from any single team per offering. Someone in a position to cascade learning to a team should attend

Possible Staff Groups (this list is not exhaustive. Fife Council staff book on Oracle):

Education: Early Years: EYLO, SEYO. Primary: PT, DHT or HT. Secondary: PT of Pastoral Support or Guidance, DHT for any year group or remit, HT. Special Schools & Pupil Support Service: all staff. Independent Schools: any pastoral or management role.

Health: Perinatal, Midwifery, Health Visitor, Paediatrician, GP, Dentist, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Practice Nurse, Child Protection Nurse Advisor, CAMHS, Adult Mental Health or any other role as appropriate, CHAS (Children’s Hospices Across Scotland), Allied Health Professionals

Police Scotland: Any staff working within the Public Protection Unit or as advised by a manager

Social Work: Children and Families, MST, EST, Family Support Service, Residential Childcare, Justice Service, Young People's Team

Housing: Any management role, HMO, HOO

Scottish Children Reporter Administration: Any role as advised by a manager

Private Residential: Any staff

Private Childcare or Nursery: Any staff in a management role

Third Sector: DAPL, Clued Up, Fife Women Aid, Fife Gingerbread, The Cottage, YMCA, KASP, Fife Voluntary Action, FRASAC, Barnardos, Families First, Lift Off, Families Outside, Fife Young Carers, Aberlour

Community Learning & Development: Team Leaders, CLD Workers, Youth Workers

Scottish Fire and Rescue – Any member of staff as agreed by a manager

Armed Forces (Army and RAF) – Any member of staff working within First Line Welfare and Second Line Welfare

Royal Navy Family and People Support - Any member of staff within Primary or Secondary Welfare

Other: Foster Carers, Respite, Supported Lodgings, Childminders

1.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection Procedures – 2 full days

**This course runs over two days. You must attend both days. Please note in your application that you can definitely attend both days**

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

  • Participants will learn about child protection procedures that take place within the following agencies:
  • NHS Fife
  • Education
  • Social Work – Area Teams, Child Protection Team and Social Work Contact Centre
  • Police Scotland Child Abuse Investigation team
  • Housing
  • Scottish Childrens Reporter Administration

CPC Girfec & Child Protection E-learning (or NHS/Police Scotland equivalent).

Robust and up-to-date child protection training within your own organisation.

Discussion with your line manager (excluding childminders) before submitting an application.


9th September 2024, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead

16th September 2024, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead


21st November 2024, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead

27th November 2024, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead


16th January 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead

23rd January 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead


19th March 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead

26th March 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead


12th June 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead

19th June 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead

2.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Families Affected by Disability

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

Increase knowledge about the abuse and neglect of children and young people with disabilities.

Understand current legislation, guidance and terminology.

Learning from Learning Reviews.

CPC GIRFEC & Child Protection E-learning (or NHS/Police Scotland equivalent).

Robust and up-to-date child protection training within your own organisation.

Discussion with your line manager (excluding childminders) before submitting an application.

6th November 2024, 9.30-3.30 at Lochore Meadows

6th March 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead BNKGF.002

3.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Substance use – Impact on children and families

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

Local & National context

Impact on children of parental use

Impact on children from their own use

Working across a partnership

Child’s point of view/recovery/ whole family recovery

Child Protection Procedures

CPC Girfec & Child Protection E-learning (or NHS/Police Scotland equivalent).

Scottish Drugs Forum E-Learning: Drug Awareness – An Introductory Course.

Robust and up-to-date child protection training within your own organisation.

Discussion with your line manager (excluding childminders) before submitting an application

12th September 2024, 9.30-4.30 at Lochore Meadows

9th January 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead BNKGF.002

Parking is limited at Kirkcaldy Town House. It is recommended that you park at the train station which is free all day and walk down which takes five minutes. Car sharing is also recommended. Please arrive in plenty of time to park and be ready for a 9.30am start.

4.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Return Home Welfare Interviews

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

This course is for staff who would become notified of a child missing from their home or placement, either directly by Police or via the VPD system.

Staff attending this training would have a role in supporting a child after a missing episode to hold a Return Home Welfare Interview (which aims to reduce the frequency of missing episodes):


The aim of this course is to support staff to feel empowered to carry out Return Home Welfare Interviews with children who have been reported missing.

Staff will ideally complete an e-learning module hosted by Missing People UK (details supplied after registration) before attending.

19th November 2024, 9.30-12.30 at Lochore Meadows

3rd April 2025, 9.30-12.00 at Bankhead BNKGF.002

5.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection and Poor Parental Mental Health

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

  • To raise awareness for the workforce about   risks and protective factors in relation to mental ill health and child   protection
  • To empower professionals to respond   appropriately
  • To support professionals to keep the child at   the centre when thinking of parental ill mental health
  • To explain child protection procedures in   relation to child protection (overview only)

Candidates will be expected to have a baseline knowledge of some mental health topics before attending. Your prior learning will depend on your prior knowledge. This information will be sent to learners prior to the course.

7th November 2024, 9.30-4.30 at Playfield House Lecture Hall (Stratheden Hospital)

13th March 2025, 9.30-4.30 at Bankhead BNKGF.002

For the training sessions at Playfield House Lecture Hall, we ask that people park in the overflow car park at Springfield House which is opposite Playfield House. This is to ensure that patient parking is available for those attending appointments at Playfield.

6.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection for Social Workers (and others) working with Adults (16+)

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue


- Types of abuse and neglect

- Contextual Safeguarding

- Discuss the overlaps in legislation for young people aged 16,17 and 18 in the arenas of Child Protection and Adult Support and Protection

- Consider scenarios and how to approach them

- Explore Fife’s Child Protection procedures (including CARM)

CPC Girfec & Child Protection E-learning (or NHS/Police Scotland equivalent).

Robust and up-to-date child protection training within your own organisation.

Discussion with your line manager before submitting an application.

19th September 2024, 10.00-12.00 on MS Teams

5th December 2024,  14:00 - 16:30 on MS Teams

7.            CPC Multi Agency Child Protection Planning Meetings (CPPM)

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

CPPMs were previously known as Child Protection Case Conferences.

This course is designed to better help professionals understand the Child Protection Planning Meeting process.

Child protection planning meetings | Iriss Courses

If possible, complete this online course before attending

This course is for staff who are not familiar with CPPM – previously known as CPCC Child Protection Case Conferences. If you are familiar with this process this course will not benefit you.

Suitable for:

Social Work: Any C&F or FSS Worker in their first year

Police – As directed by management

Health – School Nurse, Health Visitor, GP, Paediatrician, VIP Midwife, CAMHS or as directed by management

Education: DHT, HT, PT Guidance or ASN, Early Years as appropriate to setting

Housing – As directed by management

Others: Advocacy, Barnardos, Youth Workers, etc

22nd August 2024, 9.30-12.00 at Bankhead BNKGF.002

11th November 2024, 9.30-12.00 at Bankhead BNKGF.002

8.            CPC Multi Agency IRD Participants Practice Development Sessions (Intensive Workforce Only)

Course Description

Pre-requisite Learning & Knowledge

Date, Time and Venue

This session is a multi-agency reflective forum for IRD participants only. Topics that will be discussed include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical Examinations
  • IRD Processes
  • Moving to CPPM from IRD
  • Purpose and Function of CPPM
  • Interim Safety Planning
  • Recording Decisions
  • Pre Birth IRD Learning
  • Thresholds

You will hold a post within NHS or Police Scotland whereby you could be invited to an IRD meeting.

8 August 2024

Cupar County Buildings CB01.003



Please visit our eLearning site, for all relevant eLearning modules. Some of the modules we offer are:

  • Child Protection Awareness Refresher
  • Child Sexual Exploitation for Fife Council Partner Organisations
  • CPC GIRFEC and Child Protection for Fife Council Partner Organisations
  • CPC: Preparation for Court for Fife Council Partner Organisations
  • Protecting Children in Scotland for Fife Council Partner Organisations
  • Self-Harm and Suicide - Supporting Young People
  • TRAUMA: Becoming Trauma Informed (Trauma Tier 1 Training
  • TRAUMA: Developing Your Trauma Skilled Practice (Trauma Tier 2 Training)
  • Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation. All staff should complete Course 1. Further levels as applicable to your role. Should you wish to request a Prevent training input for your organisation please contact (Fife Council Staff) or (external partners)

Child Protection Training

  • An Introduction to Child Protection can be accessed on CALA eLearning website. To access the free courses on this website you will need to register an account. This resource is currently used by NHS Highland and Highland Council; however, it is open to all.
  • NHS Education has an online course Protecting Children that is for all staff
  • Fife Council Social Work Staff can access the online module - Child Protection Awareness
    **We hope to add more in-depth courses in Child Protection online over time**


The principles and practice of GIRFEC are at the core of what we do in supporting children and young people.

There are a number of resources available to staff across the partner agencies:

  • Fife GIRFEC website
    • Practice Development Session presentations (Introduction to GIRFEC/Child Wellbeing Pathway; Chronologies; Information Sharing; Wellbeing Meetings and Child’s Plan)
    • This information is suitable for staff involved in the child well-being process
    • All Fife paperwork is available on this website.
  • Argyll & Bute GIRFEC website
    • Elearning module suitable for all staff – accessed from the link page above

Learn Pro: Safeguarding Children

This module looks at GIRFEC principles and safeguarding children and is available to all NHS staff via Learn Pro.

Writing Analysis in Social Care

We have a free online course to support ‘Writing Analysis in Social Care’.

The aim of this course is to provide a practical framework for supporting the writing of analysis in social care records. This course aims to be relevant across social work domains.


  • CALA eLearning
    • This e-learning module is suitable for staff across partner agencies who are involved in writing chronologies as part of professional documentation and contributing to child well-being meetings/children’s plans.

Child’s Plan

  • CALA eLearning
    • This e-learning module is suitable for staff across partner agencies who are involved in contributing to child’s plans/writing child’s plans.
    • **Please note that the paperwork at the end of this module is that used by Highland. The Fife paperwork can be accessed via the GIRFEC Fife website listed above**

Child Sexual Exploitation

  • CALA eLearning
    • This module is suitable for all staff.
    • **The module refers to NHS Highland/Highland Council policy – please note that the Fife Underage Sexual Activity policy is available here**
  • Fife Council Social Work staff can access the online module Child Exploitation Awareness

Adverse Childhood Experiences/Psychological Trauma

Fife Trauma Training Collaborative is a multi-agency group that has created some eLearning modules for staff to undertake.

  • Tier 1 Training – Becoming Trauma Informed - this is suitable for all staff
  • Tier 2 Training – Developing Your Trauma Skilled Practice – this is suitable for practitioners working with children/young people particularly where there is trauma in the background

Fife Trauma Training Collaborative has provided training resources and materials for the modules.


Learning About Neglect event series - Thinking Critically About Neglect - webinar no. 1 - Child Protection Scotland

Learning About Neglect Event Series - webinar 2 - Family Group Decision-Making for unborn babies and young infants - Child Protection Scotland

National Trauma Training Programme

NTTP website
Learning resource PDF
Tweet hashtag and handle #transformingpsychologicaltrauma    
E-module - Trauma Skilled practice
Staff Wellbeing Resources Sway
Adverse Childhood Experiences info
Rights of the Child info
Scotland’s Public Health Priorities
Trauma Champion info
Knowledge Hub Community of Practice
Trauma-Informed Leadership (STILT)