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Levelling Up Fund

The UK Government announced the successful bids for the Levelling Up Fund on Friday 19th January 2023. We have secured a provisional award, subject to agreement of terms and conditions, for a grant of £19.4m for the Glenrothes and Mid Fife UK Parliamentary Constituency bid. The funding must be drawn down by 31st March 2025.

Unfortunately, the other four bids were unsuccessful. More information on these bids is available on our 'History of the project' page above.

The total allocated to Scotland in Round 2 is £177m. Fife has secured 11% of this in the successful Glenrothes & Mid Fife bid. This Levelling Up capital grant helps fund two projects, the Leven Connectivity Project (£14.43m) and Riverside Park, Glenrothes(£4.98m). The total award is £19.41m.

The rationale for the bid was to help deliver the UK Levelling Up (LUF) missions related to Health, Wellbeing and Pride in Place. These are:

  • Narrow the gap of healthy life expectancy between the areas where it is lowest and highest
  • Improve 'well-being' in every area of the UK.
  • Increase 'pride of place', such as people's satisfaction with their town centre and engagement in local culture and community

The two projects, combined, will generate a total of 11 gross jobs. Around 501 construction jobs will also be created for the projects. The combined effect of these jobs, and wider economic impacts, is likely to increase the average annual GVA by £1.55m per year.


In March 2021, the UK government announced a Levelling Up Funding applications process open to  all UK Local Authorities. Councils have a set number of applications, based on the number of UK Parliamentary Constituencies in their area. They also have an additional one for Transport projects.

It is a competitive process. All Local Authorities were prioritised geographically – Fife was identified as a Priority 2 area. Priority 1 areas are those most in need of Levelling Up. This did not stop applications from Priorities 2 and 3 areas, but meant that their applications must be more competitive.

Fife could submit up to 5 bids, one for each UK Parliamentary Constituency and for Transportation. All 5 were submitted for the Round 2 deadline on 1st August 2022.

The Glenrothes and Mid Fife Bid

We are working with other public sector agencies and partners to ensure that the River Leven catchment becomes an example for a green economic recovery. We will look to meet climate and nature targets, and a just transition to Net Zero. The long-term ambition is to connect Loch Leven to the Firth of Forth, through an active travel route along the river.

These projects take the first steps in this vision, focusing on the existing Riverside Park, Glenrothes, approx. 8 miles (13km) upstream from the mouth of the river. The Levenmouth Connectivity project focuses on the first 3 miles (5 km) of the river.

The Leven Connectivity Project

The Leven Connectivity Project aims to create a network of paths and cycleways along the 5km stretch of the river, along with a 30km network of paths through and between local towns in the area. This will serve the local population and complement the reopening of the Leven Rail Link, in March 2024.

The network focuses on making every-day journeys easier. There will be links to the two new railway stations at Leven and Cameron Bridge, as well as to education, employment, health care facilities, leisure, and local high streets across six settlements.

This funding will help deliver Phase 1 of the network of paths. The total investment required for all 4 phases is £40m.

The project will be split into two types of work, that will be worked on at the same time:

  • On-road upgrades - 24km of existing roads and paths for safer travel of walkers, wheelers and cyclists. Of this,10km will be segregated from vehicles
  • Off-road/river routes - allowing access the river

Riverside Park, Glenrothes

Strong connections with the town centre will encourage users to stay longer by visiting the park. Working with the Levenmouth Connectivity project, it has the potential to increase visitor numbers in Glenrothes and Central Fife.

The improvements in scope include:

  • enhanced park entrances
  • better signage
  • improved access throughout the park
  • creation of accessible and sustainable path networks, linking with town centre, Pilgrim’s Way and wider town - this will provide easier access for wheelchairs, buggies and cyclists
  • upgrades to tarmac footpaths throughout the park for year-round use
  • enhanced play equipment accessible for all
  • provision of a cycling track to complement what is currently there

The bid will restore the quality of the park, to keep the 3 star visitor attraction status. This project was identified as part of the Glenrothes Town Centre Masterplan. This investment is the first phase of the improvements required.

Update on Progress and Next Steps

Officers will engage with the UK Government, to agree the Terms and Conditions of Funding to secure the grant. Project teams will be set up and delivery resources secured.

Officers are advised that officials will provide written feedback on the unsuccessful applications, to support future proposals. This will be done as soon as possible. Due to the volume of bids, feedback will not be immediately available.

The UK Government has also advised that there could be another round of the Fund, and will provide more details on this shortly. However, there is no indication that the end date of 31st March 2025 will be extended.

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