Arden House, Leven

Arden House Commercial Road Leven Fife KY8 4QX

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Opening times

11:00am - 3:00pm Monday to Friday

Arden House is a company limited by guarantee, a registered charity and a voluntary organisation. It was established in 1982.

The organisation provides a range of services including day centre services for older people living independently in the community who are at risk of social isolation due to complex health needs.

Coffee Mornings

Retired? Looking for somewhere to catch up with old friends and make new friends?

Why not come along to our coffee morning every Tuesday from 10.00 a.m.-12 noon.

Pop in and say hello.

Local History

Arden House are holding a series of talks on local history starting on Thursday 15th January 2009 from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon. We have a varied programme and have arranged guest speakers who we are sure will be of interest to all.

Computer Access

Arden House has free computer access for over 60s.

If you want to email the grandchildren or order your shopping online just give us a call to book a computer.

Free mentoring is also available on request.

Day Care

Arden House currently operate 12-day centres over six days in five separate locations throughout Levenmouth.

These groups provide an opportunity for older people who are at risk of social isolation due to complex health issues to get out the house and enjoy social activities and a warm meal in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Half of these day centres cater specifically for frail older people these groups are known as Spinks.

The other half are specialist dementia day centres, these groups are known as Gowans. The organisation is the largest provider of specialist dementia day care in Fife.

Carer Support

Here at Arden we have many years experience of supporting carers.

If you are a carer and you need advice or support why not give us a call?

Or better still drop in to our coffee morning and speak to one of the friendly staff or volunteers.

A warm welcome and a listening ear are guaranteed and if we can't help you can be sure we will know who can.

Main funders are Fife Council and the NHS.

For more information check the Arden House website.