Ruby Bay, Elie

Elie Ruby Bay PC Nairn Park Wadeslea Elie Fife

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  • Disabled Toilets
  • Parking Facilities - Free
  • Public Toilets
  • Aluminium and steel can recycling
  • Disabled Parking
  • Footpaths
  • Glass bottle and jar recycling
  • Paper and cardboard recycling
  • Parking Facilities - Free
  • Picnic Facilities
  • Public Toilets


  • Disabled Toilets
  • Parking Facilities - Free
  • Public Toilets
  • Aluminium and steel can recycling
  • Disabled Parking
  • Footpaths
  • Glass bottle and jar recycling
  • Paper and cardboard recycling
  • Parking Facilities - Free
  • Picnic Facilities
  • Public Toilets

This is a sheltered and sandy beach, located to the east of Elie with a backdrop of dunes and overlooking the Firth of Forth. Ruby Bay is a part of the coastal footpath and provides access to beautiful walks in the surrounding countryside. The East Neuk of Fife is an excellent holiday location, full of history and interesting places to visit. Access by car or bus on the A917 East Neuk of Fife coastal route.

Most animals are well hidden, but one way of gaining a glimpse into their world is to explore a rock pool at low tide.  On the rocks you will see limpets and barnacles, stuck fast, safe in their shells as they wait for the tide to cover them again. There are also snail like periwinkles and dog whelks, and dark Red Sea anemones. If you gently move the seaweed aside you might find shore crabs or hermit crabs.  You could also see a fast moving small fish such as a blenny as it darts to the safety of the rocks.

Lots of shore birds come to feed on this rich marine harvest. Wading birds such as redshank and curlew use their long bills to probe in the sand for hidden worms and molluscs.   Gulls can be seen flying overhead on the lookout for an easy meal and sea duck such as eider can often be seen as they bob on the waves further out in the bay.

An additional attraction in Ruby Bay is the adjacent area of rough grassland which boasts a wonderful display of cowslips in spring and early summer. This is also a valuable site for skylarks, which nest in the area between March and July.

Elie, Ruby Bay Beach has received the 2014 Keep Scotland Beautiful Seaside Award. If you would like more information about the awards go to